Lisa Hernandez, Divine Feminine Life Coach, Tarot, Astrology, Pranic Healing, Life Coach Coaching, Business Coach Coaching, Spiritual Coach Coaching, Pranic Face Life and Body Sculpting, Intuitive, Empath, Psychic, Keen Reader, Reiki Master Teacher, Certified Coach, Mentor, Teacher, Metaphysical, Esoteric, Podcast, Blog, Energy Healer, Wix Website Creator, Website Design, USA, Baton Rouge, Portugal
Gratitude Practice
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.
Gratitude is a major component of living a happy life! By showing your gratitude so many positive things happen: you raise your vibration with positivity, you open your heart center more, you send love out and therefore attract it back to you, you manifest more of what you're grateful for, you reduce stress, you cleanse and expand your aura, and sooooooo much more!
Every day for 30 days you'll either end or begin your day with gratitude. On day 1, pick one thing. Then every day you'll add one more (day 2= 2, day 3= 3, day 4= 4, and so on), until you get to 30! As you first start, spend more time with those fewer # of people, places, things, experiences you're grateful for. Really focus on the joy it brought you, thank it, send it love, smile at it. Just 5 minutes is all you need, but spending a bit more time will also benefit you. As your list grows, allow your heart chakra to expand and notice how different you feel before and afterwards! I'm grateful for you!
Let's get started... you'll get a daily email reminder. ๐๐โค
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app